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2 подписчика

Astara Skin Care Daily Refining Scrub

This scrub is made to be for mornings and has a amazing aroma of grapefruit, it's microfine scrub is made with natural siliceous earth which gently polishes away deadd surface layers without damaging pours or capillaries,soothing aloe vera and comfrey combine with toning basil and stimulating

Cucumber Gel Mask

So today I got a new facemask and a morning cleanser this is the facemask, it's by Peter Thomas Roth and it's called cucumber gel mask.Basically this is an extreme detoxifying hydrating mask, you can also use this under your eye area to reduce the look of puffiness this is very good to calm


Hello everyone, hope your all doing well. Todays post is an outfit I wore last week which was super cute  and very comfy and "summery" It its a cotton dress from RAG & BONE I paired it with my Vahila bootie from IYLIA.These photos were taken with IYLIAS photographer ( Timmy Han).

Summer Lovin

Hello dolls,hope you all had a great weekend. I am loving this weather that New York is lucky to have. Summer so far is absolutely amazing! So many things going on lately been super busy so I haven't been posting as much as I usually do and I apologize for that, I'll try to keep up with


Hello dolls, so today for work I decided to wear long sleeve which was a horrible idea, it is so hot out and I am sweating like crazy but this dress is so cute that I just had to wear it today but I completely forgot that it's very very hot and humid. So take this as advice from me just

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