Hello everyone, hope your all doing well. Todays post is an outfit I wore last week which was super cute and very comfy and "summery" It its a cotton dress from RAG & BONE I paired it with my Vahila bootie from IYLIA.These photos were taken with IYLIAS photographer ( Timmy Han). The view from the building was unreal , this photo shoot was so much fun and it was a dream to take a photo here.
I felt like I was on top of the world.
I apologize for not posting this week , you were all sending me emails asking when ill be posting next. The reason being was because I was admitted to the hospital the other day for having fluid in my pelvis which was causing an immense amount of pain to me. And I am finally back up on my feet. Mine and my sisters jewelry line Launches tomorrow July 10TH and I am so excited , I can not wait for you all to see the pieces :) Ill post tomorrow a direct link to it on my social media accounts as well as the blog.
Outfit Details: