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We New yorkers are finally getting the feel of summer and its about time, it is well desereved for us. I love warm weather im definalty a "beach bum" , i love tropical islands, being in a bikini having a glowing tan, laying by the water reading a nice book and hearing the beautiful sounds of the ocean.

Thats my scene, but some of us work and go to school take extra classes work extra hours trying to make our dreams come true while everyone is on the beach relaxing and having a great time.

If one of those people is reading this i applaud you and want to say that i love people like you that will do anything and wont make any excuses for making there dreams come true. 

"No days off" is a great motto but for a robot, always remember to take a break , even if its a day to soak up the sun with your loved ones and just time to clear your mind.Than once you get back to work or school youll be all refreshed and enegergic! A break is always needed even if its just a little nap or reading -"Catcher In The Rye"(my favorite book). 

Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget to live and be greatful for the things we have and for the people we have in our lives. These past couple of months i have come to realize that family is truly everything , laughing and enjoying the days with your loved ones, its something that should bring joy to our hearts as human beings. 

There will always be people who are jealous and try ruining what you have but at the end of the day those people are just sad, lonely and dont have anything better to do with there sad lives (irrelevant). So give them something to hate on you for!

NOW Getting on with the oufit haha, as i said in my last post I've been going for a "Minimal" look which is basically simple and neutral outfits but at the same time cute and pretty. A bit of LA and a bit of New Yorker girl ofcourse. Hope you all love it, have a great weekend everyone ! XOXO

P.S- Thank you to everyone for the kind words on my Tumblr your all very sweet and i apologize for not answering any of your messages, it would hurt a few people so 
I'm keeping them to myself!


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