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City Stripes

Hello loves, hope you all are having a great week so far, mine is going pretty good. I decided to wear shorts yesterday because I figured since it’s getting hot out and it’s going to be warm why not? I was also going to be in the city all day for IYLIA getting a whole bunch of stuff done. We also did another shoot, which is the photos I’ll be using in this post.

I was also honored to be featured in there mailer send out, which is amazing. Feeling very lucky and blessed, hard work defiantly does pay off epically if you’re going after your dreams. Don’t ever let anyone tell you, you can’t make it happen. That’s something you should take as a boost of energy to give you another reason to make it happen. If you have a dream, whatever it may be, you can do it. I look at anything this way- if another human being with a brain with a heart with lungs with eyes with ears (the same parts all of us as humans have in common) can do something spontaneous , than im going to not only do it but do it even better than they ever will and ever have. That’s the way you have to think, if you want something, truly want something, you will find a way to get it or make it happen. 

Anyway moving on, my outfit was very trendy yesterday and I loved it, it was comfy pretty, cute and trendy. Everyone loved it as did I. Getting a compliment from a FASHION DESIGNER telling you, you have great style really does mean so much. I think style is the first thing people notice about anyone so it’s super important.  Hope you guys love the outfit as much as I did! Xoxo


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