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2 подписчика

Nude X Black

Hi everyone, so I haven't posted in a while because I've been super busy I finally have the time to just sit down and make a blog post. Summer is officially here and I am so excited ,I'm excited for July 4th and I'm even more excited for my birthday. On top of all of that I am doing , i'm


MASK: http://www.farmhousefreshgoods.com/splendid-dirt-nutrient-mud-mask.html

City Stripes

Hello loves, hope you all are having a great week so far, mine is going pretty good. I decided to wear shorts yesterday because I figured since it’s getting hot out and it’s going to be warm why not? I was also going to be in the city all day for IYLIA getting a whole bunch of stuff done. We


Planning to go on vacation soon? Summers coming up no more school we get off from work and a tropical island vacation I think sounds amazing for all of us! Where ever you may be headed to, make sure you


We New yorkers are finally getting the feel of summer and its about time, it is well desereved for us. I love warm weather im definalty a "beach bum" , i love tropical islands, being in a bikini having a glowing tan, laying by the water reading a nice book and hearing the beautiful

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